What are we?
Healing facilitators, Intuitive Guides, Coaches, Writers/Channelers, Shamans, Light workers, etc. Those are roles and titles. That is not who we really are. We are Energy Beings and we deal with anything related to Light, Consciousness and Vibrations. We are on the "spiritual" path which is really about knowing the Truth of Who I AM--this is conscious awareness of our own Divine Identity (divinity).
We strive for peace, illumination and harmony. In order to achieve this personally and collectively, we come together in unity (community) for the Path and Journey to conscious Ascension and Evolution. If you yearn for something beyond the human experience, find yourself at home here. And like family, we have our unique differences, but by celebrating diversity and all life—we welcome back Love and Wisdom into our World. And we fully embrace and share our Power, as we are all ONE.
Why am I here?
We are all here to accomplish some individual destiny. For some it is an obvious choice, and for others it can be an unfathomable adventure. On the path to rediscovering our True Authentic Self and manifesting our Divine Plan, we may encounter blocks and resistances usually put in place by certain beliefs, programming or traumas (as well as karma). Here are some common snags on accomplishing our Soul’s Purpose. *Please reach out to one of our consultants for what plan is best for you if you feel lost.*
Procrastination, Addiction, and Health concerns. Some may know what they want to do, but they can’t seem to get past obstacles that keep them from accomplishing their goals. The problem is not that you don't want help, it's not knowing HOW to go about it. Perhaps it's coaching to keep you accountable and manage your talents, or it's clarifying true goals, or it's healing to clear certain fear blocks and health challenges; *We* will design plans alongside your dreams and aspirations to support you to rediscover your true power.
Mind games
“I’m not good enough, I don’t have money yet, I can’t do that, no one loves me”, etc. All the negative self talk (and beliefs) we abide by becomes a spiral descending into darkness. The stress just accumulates on our mental hard drives, drags us into stuckness, and one day we check out. Our greatest ideas stay in the clouds and we never accomplish what we intended. It's easy to stop believing in oneself. Now is the time to release these old programs and set the mind to align with the heart, where the right action becomes inevitable.
We experience life through a lens of trauma and pain avoidance. We build subconscious programs to survive and temporarily stay content. Maybe the relationships of the past left us unable to move on and fulfill our dreams. All the fears learned in life prevent us from living a life we love with people we love. Sometimes beyond psychotherapy and medicine, it seems impossible. *We* have specialist that can direct and offer insight on the root cause of relationship issues to begin accepting who you are, finding self worth and becoming self love again.
Family life, social circles, personal hobbies, staying healthy, running a business, and pursuing achievements–managing your time and space in life can feel like a “full time” job. But when we aren’t balanced or aligned, something's got to give before we burnout and have a health crisis (physical, mental or emotional). The missing component in life may be the meaning of life itself. Learning about our spiritual purpose does not necessarily involve religions and ancient doctrines, but will include deep self reflection and holding sacred space. Learning about things beyond the senses can help one realize the balance to life and resolve the temporal nature of our self and ego. *We* are happy to direct you to life altering spiritual material or deepen your experiences.
​Many people think money and success is the motivation of life because it brings immediate "happiness for others". Others need love to make them move into action. Does life seem like it needs some extra spice, like a dull picture that’s missing colors. If you don’t feel super excited with the proper motivation in life every day, then you may be settling for comfort and complacency. You may be trying to manifest your parents or friends ideals, fulfill their ambitions. Don't let others' happiness preclude your own. It’s never about being busy though, it’s about avoiding the uncomfortable emotions that come with change and understanding yourself. If you could manifest your dreams, what would it look like? *We* are here to help you achieve that.

Articles and Tools

For a typical one hour session, we have broken down pricing to reflect practitioner's experience and how expedient are the direct results. This is because while some may be curious about a spiritual modality, it may not be cost efficient to start with certain modalities or practitioners. You may also find by nature of certain services and locations, the cost will be higher than average. Speak to one of our consultants if you have questions about recommendations.