Divine Healing
An online non-religious healing tool which is a conversation coupled with prayer-like commands.
This is a multidimensional healing system, that clears/supports:
Your soul records
Inherited ancestral patterns
Unresolved past life issues
Hidden ego agendas, sabotages and conflicts
Blocks in the chakras and subtle bodies
Fears and phobias
Interference energies including entities
Negative judgements and beliefs
Life stresses
Aligning to your Higher Self
Encoding healing essences
Balancing your body’s hydration, nutrition and biochemistry
Clearing of toxins and their effects
Harmonizing and alignment of your energy bodies and chakras
And much more…
Based on the principle "Ask and You shall Receive". Divine Healing is a healing system from Source that rapidly clears your emotional separation programs so you forget that they were ever there in the first place.
Enabling you to heal deeply, completely and easily so you can become the empowered Master of your life, who experiences more love, joy, fun and aliveness.
Reconnect to Spirit on all levels and make your dreams come true
For anyone who is interested and open to working directly and co-creatively with Divine Intelligence, through their Higher Self, to facilitate healing and reconnection to Spirit at all levels. This allows the awakening of your own gifts and qualities so you can achieve your dreams.
Divine Healing enables the many aspects of consciousness to heal and transform permanently and effectively. Together with a practitioner, we will accurately identify what needs clearing in a session. Once identified, the blocks are dissolved by Divine Intelligence, quickly and completely through command codes. This works very well in conjunction with a Soul Contract Reading​

All parts of your soul yearns to be whole again
In Divine Healing, we are working with your Higher Self and facilitating your conscious awareness of certain ego patterns and programs in life. You are doing the healing. The practitioner will simply lead you in a deeply relaxed state (still conscious) to find which traumas have been impacting your life the most. Those traumas can block yourself from accessing your soul's true power and gifts. Once cleared, you will feel more whole and at peace.​

You will be facilitated in:
Activating your DNA strands and Light quotient
Encoding healing through prayer like statements
Breathing and entering Theta states to allow for maximum healing to occur
Clearing self limiting programs and hidden ego agendas
Becoming conscious of traumas possibly tied to this life, past lives, or other lives.
Holistic approach to target the cause instead of the effects of dis-ease and suffering in life