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Frequently Asked Questions
What is guided versus self meditation?Sometimes the mind is most quiet when it doesn't need to think on it's own... Many people know what they should do, but encounter many obstacles that keep them from accomplishing their goals. For example, a lot of people know they should remain calm and think clearly in pressure/performance events or making life decisions--but for a multitude of reasons, they feel overwhelmed or fear from making mistakes. These annoying and critical thoughts can easily be a distraction from moving forward and taking the best action. There could also be a tendency to procrastinate, negative self talk, or a triggering panic attack. We facilitate releasing old programs and coping with uncomfortability in order to grow and find self worth and self love. With guided meditations, our facilitators can walk you through the mental landscape and navigate through your subconscious self to be the best versions of you. Guided meditation is suitable for various types of people and a good facilitator can help even the most "busiest" of minds. In self meditation, you are given certain breathing and visualization techniques so that you can sit comfortable with your own thoughts and feelings. You are taught tools to self realize or self actualize--remove the ego self from your True Self (Aka Higher Self). Self Meditation is usually a daily or reoccurring practice, much like exercise and dental hygiene. As you build the meditation muscle, the sense of peace and harmony prolongs into your daily life and eventually becomes just a part of your life overall. Self Meditation can be learned fairly quickly, but requires much effort to sustain and usually dedicated motivation to make it a routine/habit.
What’s the difference between mentor and a coach?A mentor is someone who has played the game before (i.e. Basketball) and can show a fellow player how to play. A coach is someone who understands the rules and strategies of the game, but may not necessarily have played before. The coach can bring out the greatness of the person even if they have different experiences in life. At Light Energies, we have life and spiritual coaches for different types of clients. The main focus is usually the same: help clear any resistance or blockages from achieving the goals or life purposes. A session with a coach may include different modalities and follow up processes, but the client must be proactive with taking actions toward their desired goals. In other words, the coach cannot "do the diet" for the client, it is the client who must follow through on a weight loss program. Some of our coaches have been in the same situation as the client, but they are not necessarily a mentor role. They will coach you from the sideline, cheerlead and motivate you, and ultimately witness your growth.
What is energy healing/facilitation?Energy healing/facilitation is an alternative therapy which addresses the connection between the different bodies (emotional, mental, physical, etheric, etc). By bringing awareness to parts of the body and acknowledging certain life patterns, we begin to release old tensions and programs which, when not property addressed, only cause more sadness and suffering. Energy healing is a holistic practice where healers channel universal life force (chi/qi, prana, healing energy, etc) into or by guiding a patient to help them balance, heal and remove blockages from their body. The overall effect can range from deep relaxation to dissolving physical ailments or limitations. Sometimes, it can be very subtle and the improvements will not be obvious until some time after the body has integrated. Other times, you may feel great shifts and want to keep clearing blockages, but the body feels physically exhausted. Give it some time and then revisit for another session after you feel you are ready and rested. Energy medicine can include a variety of holistic modalities like: Awakening Dynamics, Theta Healing, Reiki Energy Healing, Color/Light Therapy, Energy reflexology, Energy Kinesiology, Crystal Healing, Diving Healing, Quantum Touch, Psych K, Alchemy, Lucid Dream Healing, Metaphysical Anatomy (MAT), Ancestral karmic clearing, Black Magic/Curse Removal, Cord Cutting, psychic intuitive surgery, and much more!
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