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Ho'oponopono Violet Flame

There's many stories of Dr. Hew Len and his incredible transformation of a criminally mental asylum/prison through the use of Ho'oponopono. Feel free to google and you will find sites like this.

If there is ever any perception of pain and suffering, we recognize we have created it and accepted it into our consciousness. Our feelings we have of others and situations are OUR feelings. When we get angry at someone, who is actually affected by the anger? Is it the object or person of our anger, or does our own body create toxic chemicals which inflame our organs and damages ourself physically and emotionally? We benefit when we take control and discipline to regulate our feelings and reactions (no one else can feel our own anger and sadness directly). When we feel upset, frustrated, apathetic, hopeless, etc – this is karma which brought the effects and events to our lives to give us an opportunity to transmute it. As we openly change ourselves and our perceptions about something; it will inevitably affect others we are connected to. Because we are cocreators of the Divine, if we FEEL it and take RESPONSIBILITY for all of it, then we can WILL a new reality through Love.

How do we use it:

Simply say these four words with feeling and awareness: I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, I Thank you.

I’m sorry --- feel repentance and accepting the responsibility that I have caused and allowed this into my life (be it Forest Fires, hurt elemental kittens, toxic relationships, or unjust betrayals). I recognize the feeling which I have caused on the screen of life and I now am aware of my personal responsibility for that feeling. It is my own feelings after all.

Please Forgive Me – infusing compassion and detachment of ego in order to have the divine step in for us, our higher Self acts on behalf of God to For-Give (“GIVE” you ability to step “FOR-ward”). I ask for Higher Source to give me an opportunity, another chance, to set this right. Without forgiveness, all mistakes never turn into lessons of growth, and we would never be able to improve ourselves. We retain our memory so that we can learn from the past. Forgiveness is the magic of a second chance (and third, fourth, etc). But it is with the intention that we won't transgress or misuse our energies again in the future.

I Love You – this is the reunification with the Oneness of all Life, without Love the world would not be cohesive and fall apart, it would simply cease to exist. Only through love can one truly return to their natural state. Love the aspect of you which you are reflecting/attracting into the world that does not seem in alignment yet. Love for anyone or anything else is also a love for yourself, just as you must give and receive in balance.

Thank You --- Feel and believe it as your responsibility and the liberation which comes when you are fully in your power and responsible for all this. And feel the gratitude that Divinity reaches into your subconscious mind and neutralizes the memories (past, present, and future lives). And the gratefulness that You are blessed with the opportunity to complete the karmic cycle for yourself and all those connected. Feel the Love pouring from Heavens as you have make a call to rectify this misqualified energy (mainly through MISunderstanding) and through you has become a process to transmute into Light.

Violet Flame is an action of transmutation and freedom. How does one achieve this, the Ho'oponopono Prayer from ancient times has broken down aspects of the violet flame for us. How to combine and use this?

"Think of your own individual actions and reactions, the storms that you have created in your own individual world. Consider what you have done to create this upsetting condition... but do not energize the reason when discovered. Instead, enfold it in the Beauty of the Blessed Violet Fire. From your Heart Center, ask Forgiveness and bless the energy with the Flame of Transmutation so that it cannot further inflict itself upon another traveler on Life's Path. As it is in your individual world, so it is in your planetary world." (Taken from Teachings of Beloved Sirius. See Clarion Call).

Use this Violet flame prayer anytime there is discord in life, or in relationships with things (money, authority, politics) and even for personal healing eg. Imagine talking to the organ/body part, or visualize your inner child. You may see and feel flashes of images come out as the transmutation occurs. You may even use this as preventative measure, before conflicts arise, if you deem it necessary (there may be aspect of worry or fear involved that needs transmuting). This is a cosmic eraser for our karma—an excellent tool for our evolution.



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