While many may associate religion with spirituality, at Light Energies we believe there is a distinction. Religion is an organized system of beliefs and practices that can include worshiping, rituals, festivals and leaders of Faith. Spirituality is more the search for meaning and purpose by exploring the connection of Self within, to find the Path back to our Divinity. Even the definition of God can be very skewed based on religious dogma, that people who may misinterpret the word can become biased. Whether you are searching for God, Creator, Source, the Universe, etc. we encourage you to develop a spiritual practice for yourself that touches upon the human experience of your soul. After all we are spiritual beings having a human experience--don't be too bogged down in the details.
This is by no means an endorsement of any religious faith or practice, but here are a few examples of religious/spiritual sites that are worth exploring. Light Energies encourages an open mind and acceptance through diversity. So as you begin your spiritual journey or are quite well traveled on "the Path", see if there's some information you may not have explored yet.
Buddhism - www.tergar.org
Daoism/Taoism - www.daoistfoundation.org and https://thetaoist.online
Catholic - www.catholic.com and www.vatican.va
Islam/Muslim - www.islamweb.net/en/
Jewish Mysticism - www.kabbalah.com
White Eagle Lodge - www.whiteeaglelodge.org
Native American Religions - https://dialogueinstitute.org/native-american-religions
Spiritual Community with different religious teachings - www.unity.org
Self Realization Fellowship - www.yogananda.org
Ascended Masters Teachings www.summitlighthouse.org and www.saintgermainfoundation.org
More will be added...