The Breath is seen as a simple sacred tool in many traditions. The mind is intangible, but the breath is tangible and links us into the secrets of the mind. Much of spirituality is simply going within--Finding our True Nature and who I AM. Most of this wisdom dawns on us gradually or spontaneously and typically accompanied by peace and silence. In order to encourage our authentic self and realization of our own divine beings, there are meditation tools.
We recommend a meditation (yogic) practice to facilitate your awareness and centeredness. Whatever you choose, be sure to stick with it for a long enough period to establish a base before trying other types of meditations. Be it Osho, TM, Shamanic Journeys, etc, they can all be useful and serve the purpose. One gentle, easy to learn technique is from the Art of Living called SKY (Sudarshan Kriya) Breath.
"SKY Breathing is a powerful rhythmic breathing technique that harmonizes the body-mind-complex resulting in reduction of stress, anxiety, better sleep, stronger immune system and increased energy levels. from movement to stillness, from a limited identity to unlimited space.”
For more information, check out this link.
Another breathing technique taught by an Indian Guru is called Isha Kriya. Led by Sadhguru, the Isha movement that teaches Vedic/Hindu based philosophy and meditation practices. The purpose is to get in touch with the source of himself/herself, to create life according to their own wishes and visions. Check out this Isha group and the Inner Engineering Program. The Link is